Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vaseline Lip Therapy Sticks and Tubs

I am so blessed.
My good friend, Desmond went to London recently
I asked him to help me get
the NOT EVER available in Singapore
Vaseline Lip Therapy
in Rosy lips & Cocoa Butter.

In both Stick and Tub form.

And it is so cheap...
plus, I am using the rosy lips tub version today
it is super glossy with a sickeningly sweet tint of colour
to ensure I don't look wash out.
And if I want additional colour,
I just need to slap on the stick version
and Viola!!!! the colour intensifies.

And my lips not only feels kissable,
soft, smooth and glossy.
It totally does not have lines.

The only flip side,
is the lack of UV in the product.
Wish they would add some.
In any case, this is my favourite now.
Besides my Elizabeth Arden 8-hour Lip Protectant (which has UV).

I love love love, utterly love the colour.

And how sweet my friend is.

Available at Boots

Would I Buy this again: Anyone going London, please tell me!!
Ease of Use: no brainer
rating: 9.5 /10 (minus points for lack of UV)
Price: SGD$16.90 for 2 tubs and 3 sticks


  1. hey! does vasline rosy lips really give the colour of which comes in the asvertisements???? plz answer

  2. Beauty Guru says: Hi Jannie, the tub version gives a glossier pink colour as compared to the stick one where you get a deeper reddish hue with a light sheen, depends on the shade you prefer. If you wish to look younger, go get the tub, if you wish to look more professional, get the stick. :) Hope it helps.
