Hello Peeps!
I would be going away on a trip for a week.
So... there would not be any posts this period.
I will be back with them come next week Wednesday!
So look out for it!!!
In the meantime. . .
here are some of my own useful tips
to ensure your skin,
which is the foundation to YOUR ENTIRE FACE
Stays as healthy, supple and porcelain smooth as you can!
1) Always hydrate - drink lots of water a.k.a h2O as 80% of your body contains it, if you are trying to lose weight, drink a glass before meal time so that you actually intake lesser carbs BUT take only 3 to 5 sips of water around 2 hours prior to your bedtime as too much water during this period will cause the dreaded EYE BAGS!!!
2) Massages - if you can afford the time to, try to find someone (like your siblings / parents / spouse) or pay a professional to give you a good rubdown once a month, it not only relaxes and unknots the knits in your body especially around the shoulders, it allows you to firm up and tighten your body skin, giving you toned, radiant and healthy skin especially after a good scrub followed by steam / jacuzzi and then lastly, the massage! These days, a new breed of clientele has found their way to the massage palour too! SEE...
3) Detox Once In a While - Clear out your system every once in a while, I know some who do so on a weekly basis (which I personally think it is TOO OFTEN) or you may do so every month or every quarter, to detox means you take in a lot of veggies and fruits, i.e. 1 Kiwi + 1 Apple + 1 Pear / Mango (durians DO NOT COUNT) and a handful of your favourite veggies for both lunch and dinner, have them as a meal, no fried snacks, no chips, no meats, no carbs... just pure fruits and veggies. This helps to remove waste from your body, build your immune system and flush out toxins, giving you better skin!! Detox is good for your heart and makes one feel lighter!
4) Sleep & then Sleep Earlier - I am guilty of being an owl / a panda... choose whichever, due to the occassional occupation hazards of work and of late, the distractions of TV and the lure of surfing the Net and online shopping. \ >.<"/ leading to bad habits of snoozing pass midnight, I know I may thread on "sounding like your mum" but really, sleeping in before 11pm or better yet, 10pm, has a lot of benefits. Like waking up to almost ZERO dark eye rings!!! Or feeling more refreshed and alert the next morning and while sleeping, when you reach the realm of deep sleep, YOU ARE ACTUALLY BURNING AWAY FATS!!!!!! Now, how cool is that?
Kids know the power of enough rest and a good sleep, have you ever met a kid
(below 7years) with dark eye rings?
They must be doing something right.
Kids know the power of enough rest and a good sleep, have you ever met a kid
(below 7years) with dark eye rings?
They must be doing something right.
5) Forgive & then really forget - To forgive is divine, take the opportunity of this holiday season to 'grow a bigger heart' and release whatever offences you may have with a certain someone and forgive and move on! This sets YOU free, free from past hurts (you need not re-live them) and free from the pain and anger the offence has brought you. Release and let go. It is the hardest beauty secret to achieve, yet, this IS THE BIGGEST SECRET around, a person who has forgiven, lives freely, can dance and sing and just find it that much easier to smile! And his or her world, would be that much easier. Go on. . . TRY IT!
Let 2012 be a NEW Year for you, in more ways than one!!!!!
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