Hi Happy People!!!
Ok, I hope you are happy as we are a mere 4 days away to the weekend and these products which I am sharing about today are real life savers for me during my entire 2.5 months when my skin literally gave up on me.
Please be warned this post is relatively long, I will try, to keep it short since it is the first of three parts.
These products may or may not work for you as skin is as different as DNA. But they certainly contain either 1) medical grade wonders and / or 2) tons of botanicals.
It is like your body is sick, do you just head to the doctor's and pop pills? I mean, that is all good to do, but in the long run, to really build up immunity and give your body all the goodness it deserves, you ought to really look into what you put into that tummy of yours. Same goes for your skin.
Besides these "life-saving" products which totally turn my skin condition around and gave me glowing skin every morning and allowed my makeup to adhere better, plus I applied way lesser foundation... one of them offered me a cheat-sheet method of getting little hours of rest (super bad habit to be a night owl... I am trying my best to correct that.) yet awake to BEAUTIFUL skin. Not merely just good skin but really BEAUTIFUL!
I also increased my intake of fruits and veggies: the first types of veggies I included are Okra (lady's finger), broccoli, shanghai greens and pasley. All cooked in a variety of ways as I started to rebuild my health and immune system as my body's system went into a reboot mode. Mainly, I try to steam them or stir fry them lightly trying hard to avoid spices. And I added apples, pineapples, avocados, pears, kiwis and grapes to increase my intake of vitamins and minerals that are not just good for different parts of my organs but for the skin too!!!
First up, a light-weight gel moisturizer that pulls its strength in weight and is just so fantastic for sensitive skin, clogged pores folks and pimple-laden skin peeps & it is SOOOOOOOOO suitable for humid weather as it is OIL FREE.
Finally, a commercially available oil free moisturizer that is easily found and you need not spend more than needed for the same effect as those expensive creams you purchase from your dermatologist (i went to one prior to discovering this! will share more on it tomorrow. *heartache coz skin doctors are so expensive*)
I present:
This mega tub will last me a long time, and it is a limited edition 125ml the usual one is 50ml only. I got hold of a sample thru a gf and it started turning my skin around in about 3 days so I went to the shop at Vivo to get one. It costs $82 for this hugeass 125ml tub and it really does everything it says plus more. My combination sensitive skin did not once itch nor turn oily yet it stayed dewy soft and cooling, my skin had bounce! If my skin was a noodle, it would be a very QQ noodle!!! It was just bouncy, I cannot find a more apt word.
See how the inside looks:
See how colourless and ordourless the product is....
thus making it very very suitable for seriously sensitive skin.
Ease of Use: Just a 10cent coin for entire face, absorbs fast
Would I buy this again: YES! Made it into my Holy Grail List.
Rating: 5/5
And they have another version of the same kickass moisturizer but with oil for dry skin folks or those who take flight a lot, as the air at how many thousand feet about ground is certainly much harshier and will dry your skin faster thus aging you, if you are blessed with babyface and do not mind looker older, then its fine to use the oil free one, if not, please head to the shop and get their with oil version to prevent lines.
Btw, Kiehl's staff are trained to be really generous with samples as they believe that by offering samples, and their products are really medical grade (for some), you will head back to get the full size bottles / jars as soon as you are convinced of their prowess! Love them!

Then there was this major outbreak after I was recovering, besides clogged pores all over my cheeks and forehead, my entire face felt like scales. Can you imagine? It was a nightmare for me, considering how vain I am and how helpless I felt. I was not only desperate but frustrated so I went thru all the products that I had and knew would give me brillant skin day in and out, even those I raved about here plus I had no money to keep on buying SK-II which I believe will work ... so I tried other products which I still had on-hand e.g. the water sleeping pack but all of them seemed to "die" on me or had little effect coz the scale(ly) skin felt thick, like some 'elephant' hide, so I guess the product could not penetrate in.
The above 2 photos only shows you the clogged pores that popped out like mad all over, they seem to setup cluters of residences all over my face. I shall spare you the photos of me having the super bad outbreak. From a distance, I still looked normal but as you walked up to me... you will see the horrid outbreak, distressing I tell you!!!
So some kind soul told me, put aloe vera on, its natural, very good. So I did. Went to buy this for less than $20 at Watsons or was it Guardian, cannot recall:
Ease of Use: Just a 20cent coin for entire face.
Would I buy this again: No. Unless i got sunburn.
Rating: 2.5/5
Supposed to be solid good! The person who told me about this, was raving about how pure and blah blah blah this was.... Okay, so i tried. Desperate ma.... plus its natural. WRONG... so sa-la can?
This aloe vera baby, which was great for my sun burns (that is another story for another time) totally worked wonders on my sun burns BUT did nothing much for my poor face. So I wasted $18 bucks and had like a HUGE pile up of aloe vera on my skin every morning even though I applied a thin layer at night before bed.
I had to even use my fingers to gently rub it off before cleansing my face, and it went on for 2 weeks before I gave up. So Aloe Vera did not work to declog and save the day!
So I went on to search for my superhero product and I went back to Kiehl's once more coz the oil free moisturizer did a wondrous job! Guess what? I found the secret to forevermore no more clogged pores, no more small bumps on my skin. Its......
Ease of Use: Just apply a thin layer where needed, avoid eye area.
Would I buy this again: A RESOUNDING YES! Made it into my Holy Grail List.
Rating: 6/5
Yah, it seems to be only for people with Acne right? WRONG, you can use it like a pimple cream but if you want to declog those pores and small bumps, apply this everyday and night, a thin layer (PLEASE DO NOT BE GREEDY & USE A THICK LAYER coz you will dry up your skin & cause wrinkles and for those with dry skin, use once a day will suffice) and the magic will take place!!! Zomg... OMG!!!! So exciting!!! It not only clears blemishes, rids my clogged pores, lessen my blackheads (yah I use on whole face, thin layer mah!) and .... ARE YOU READY FOR THIS??? IT REDUCES MY OLD PIMPLE SCARS and lessen the redness till they are almost gone now!
This is a God-sent. Literally.
I am so buying a full size once the sample finishes, which is taking me forever to finish, as only a thin layer is needed. Using the sample for slightly over 2 weeks already. Incredible right?
Alright, I shall end here for Part 1. Tomorrow, I will share my experience and the creams given by the skin specialist. Plus, the MAGIC Cheat sheet product!